Planning application
Since the initial submission of a planning application to Camden Council in December 2023, British Land has been working with the Council to revise the design of Euston Tower, which has allowed us to create a building more in keeping with the local townscape whilst increasing the benefits the project will have to Camden.
Following this design process, we have now submitted revisions to the planning application for Euston Tower.
What happens now?
Camden Council is now holding a period of statutory consultation on the revised application, during which time you can view the updated documents and share your comments with the Council. All these documents can be viewed on the Camden Council planning portal (searching for the reference number 2023/5240/P).
We understand that the planning portal can be difficult to navigate as it requires large documents to be split into many parts. You can therefore find the documents that form part of the revised application submission below.
Planning Application Documents
Below is a full list of documents that have been submitted as part of this planning application – this includes both documents that were initially submitted in December 2023 and addendum documents submitted in December 2024.
These documents will be considered by Camden Council ahead of making a decision at a planning committee meeting (the current date is to be decided). Scroll down to see a link to each report with an explanation of what it includes, as well as drawings of the designs. All planning documents can also be found on Camden Council’s planning portal.
To help navigate the planning application, these are the key documents which may be of interest:
- For an overview of the proposals and how they respond to Camden’s planning policy, see the Planning Statement.
- To read about the designs for Euston Tower and surrounding public realm developed, see the Design and Access Statement.
- To read about the community engagement and co-design process, see the Statement of Community Involvement.
- For an overview of how environmental sustainability has been considered, read the Environmental Statement.
- To read about the proposals’ carbon impact, see the Whole Life Carbon Assessment.
- To read about how the impacts of construction will be managed and minimised, read the Construction Management Plan.
Planning documents
Key documents
Design and Access Statement
Outlines how the designs for the redevelopment of Euston Tower and the associated public realm developed.
Draft Construction Management Plan
Outlines the ways in which the impacts of construction will be mitigated for local people.
Environmental Statement
Provides an assessment of the environmental effects of the proposals and the measures taken by British Land to mitigate against this.
Planning Statement
Provides an overview of the proposals and how they respond to Camden Council’s planning policy.
Statement of Community Involvement
Outlines the extensive community engagement and co-design process with the local community that was undertaken up to the submission of the planning application.
Whole Life Carbon Assessment
Provides a full analysis of the proposals’ carbon impact on the environment.
Further documents
Accessibility Statement
Describes how the proposals for Euston Tower and the associated public realm improvements will be inclusive and accessible for all.
Arboricultural Impact Assessment
Includes the findings of tree surveys taken on site as well as how trees on site will be protected and preserved.
Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment
Study assesses the impact of the scheme on archaeological remains (buried heritage assets).
Basement Impact Assessment
Provides findings of the basement surveys and how the proposals may impact the current building and neighbouring properties.
Biodiversity Net Gain Assessment
Demonstrates how the proposals for Euston Tower and the associated public realm will improve the biodiversity on the site.
Circular Economy Statement
Describes the circular economy strategies and approaches to ensure that the redevelopment of Euston Tower is highly sustainable.
Crime Impact Assessment
Outlines the strategies for the architectural design to be developed alongside specific physical, electronic and operational security measures.
DLSL and Overshadowing Report
Provides an analysis of daylight, sunlight and overshadowing studies for the proposed development and how the scheme may affect the surrounding residential properties.
Drainage and SuDS model
Outlines the drainage proposals for Euston Tower and how the development will not increase flood risk elsewhere.
Employment and Skills Strategy
Details how British Land will provide employment opportunities and skills training through the construction of the development and once the building is occupied, as well as ongoing opportunities for the community.
Energy Statement
Provides an analysis of how the proposed building will provide a reduction in carbon emissions compared to the existing Euston Tower.
Euston Tower Fire Statement
Describes how the fire strategy design meets Policy D12 (Fire Safety) of the London Plan 2021, and other relevant policies.
Feasibility Study
Provides an assessment of the condition of Euston Tower and how the proposals will best make use of the existing structures, as well as maximising the level of materials that could be reused and recycled.
Flood Risk Assessment Report
Provides an analysis of the flood risk data associated with the proposals, and describes how the development will meet the requirements of the National Planning Policy Framework, the London Plan 2021, and The City Plan 2019-2040.
Health Impact Statement
Provides an analysis of any likely health and wellbeing impacts or inequalities associated with the proposed development on future users of the building and the community.
Landscape Statement
Demonstrates the analysis, objectives and design development of the landscaped spaces and how this fits with the long-term vision for the site.
Lighting Strategy
The report outlines the proposed lighting arrangements for Euston Tower’s public realm and tower nighttime appearance.
Noise Impact Assessment Report
Provides the findings of noise surveys, showing how the development will meet the requirements of national and local planning requirements, design standards and good practice guides.
Public Use Framework
Provides a framework plan for public use within Euston Tower, detailing how the spaces in the podium could be programmed to serve local communities.
Structural Statement
Provides an analysis of the structural surveys for Euston Tower and describes the proposed structural arrangement to support the redevelopment of Euston Tower.
Telecommunications Report
Provides a summary of the potential effects on the local reception of television services from the proposed redevelopment of Euston Tower.
Transport Assessment
Describes how the development will meet a range of policies that advocate a car-free development and encourage sustainable modes of transport around the site (such as walking and cycling).
Waste Management Strategy
Describes how overarching waste management processes and practices will be undertaken during the demolition, site preparation, construction, and operational phases of the site and proposed development.
Ventilation Statement
Provides a summary of the ventilation proposals developed for Euston Tower.